Vlora International Airport Concession
The Albanian Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy has launched the competition procedure on the concession for the development of Vlora Airport. Vlora is a developing and emerging tourist destination located at the border of Adriatic – Ioanian seas, in the south west region of Albania. The new international airport is expected to be located north of Vlora, and the concession shall be DBOT (develop-build-operate-transfer) form. Term of concession is expected to be 35 years, which is the maximum term under concession framework. Airport is expected to be 4E type with a minimum 3000 m long runaway (up to 3,200 m.), with hangars and maintenance facilities. The land is supposed to be state owned and the bid shall be organized under Albanian public procurement and concession framework.
The bidding documents, TOR’s, draft concession agreement, feasibility, and other bidders’ information documents can be obtained at the website of Albanian Public Procurement Agency www.app.gov.al or at the website of the Ministry of
Infrastructure and Energy: https://www.infrastruktura.gov.al/en/shpallje/